faster than light
Back on my feet again. My computer is still down, but i have been visiting my parents the last couple of days. Using there computer core development has continued. What we now have running, ie ready for a release is:
the shell executable, core.exe
- smooth module loading
- powerfull calculator to use in settings, ie you can position stuff depending on resolution etc.
- internal skin engine, can skin any module window with one line of code
- ishelllnk interface, which means that the system can create and handle .lnk file, i will use this to create shell structures, ie lnk files will be able to run !bang commands etc.
- internal gui setup, modules can use this or there own, all up to the author.
my lsxcommad clone, box.dll
- uses the core calculator, powerful.
- scrolls any window title.
- runs all you commands.
my quick launch module, bar.dll
- skinable quick launch.
- handles lnk files.
shortcuts, shortcut.dll
- fully skinable.
- runs different commands on different buttons.
Well, a release might be done Sunday, or the beginning of the next week.

Carl Cedergren
2000-07-27 02:32
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