ShellWM beta 0.1

At last it happened, a shell aware windows skinning app! Well, ill get it to you right from the horses mouth:

ShellWM is based on the sourcecode of CustomEyes v. 0.30 by Didier Abderrahmane ( This is the original CustomEyes site.
CustomEyes was a great app, with some stability problems and some skinning abilities that we found unnecessary: ShellWM is limited to skinning the Windows frames and the titlebar buttons - we've removed the skinning of checkboxes, radiobuttons, dialog backgrounds, and we're still trying to remove the menubar skinning without blowing up our current stability... We've also removed the skin editor (one of the main sources of CustomEyes instability), but we hope to redevelop a new application that does the skinn-editor job a bit better. As for now, we're pretty satisfied with ShellWM's stability and we're convinced that you'll have no problem in configuring your own, personal window skins from the current status...

Well, a core module that uses this nifty program in conjure with the existing colour settings should make a good windowblinds replacement.
This is also good news for SUIT since it means i can discard any thoughts of adding window frame skinning to SUIT and keep it a skining interface package. By combining these packages you should be able to skin any part of you desktop, and that is allways nice!

Carl Cedergren
2002-12-16 09:17

<< systray done no, i am still alive >>