• [2014-04-10 08:56]New site
  • [2012-05-08 22:08]Spam
  • [2011-09-13 13:40]OpenVPN (inkl tun.ko) for SE Xperia Mini Pro (SK17i)
  • [2011-01-07 11:29]New android apps menu
  • [2011-01-04 16:26]Time flies
  • [2009-08-26 18:08]It actually works
  • [2009-07-22 20:18]Comments re-enabled
  • [2009-07-13 15:30]Website update
  • [2009-05-06 21:25]Latitude, or, where am i
  • [2009-02-07 17:19]Site updates
  • [2008-12-31 21:14]Happy New Year
  • [2008-05-28 14:59]program list
  • [2008-04-21 22:12]Comments removed
  • [2008-04-05 11:56]The final solution
  • [2008-04-03 20:49]Another stab at the spam problem
  • [2008-03-26 21:36]Fighting the spam
  • [2008-01-08 10:19]Sony to distribute content in DivX format
  • [2007-08-13 15:23]catharsis.se relaunched
  • [2007-03-03 13:43]First batch of photos added
  • [2007-02-21 18:07]Gallery online
  • [2007-02-19 11:01]News items added
  • [2007-02-17 17:52]Site deleted
  • [2007-01-01 12:02]Happy New Year!
  • [2006-11-24 10:29]Updated to e107 0.7.6
  • [2006-06-28 14:50]Trackback Spam
  • [2006-05-11 10:32]Gallery Updated
  • [2006-04-07 20:04]Fighting the spam
  • [2006-01-19 12:25]Company website update
  • [2006-01-11 19:53]Search page added
  • [2006-01-04 15:49]Closing down coreshell.info
  • [2006-01-03 09:56]Site update
  • [2005-09-22 10:40]Music database online
  • [2005-08-14 17:23]OSX86
  • [2005-03-14 21:10]Retro gaming
  • [2005-03-10 12:45]More webstuff
  • [2005-02-16 15:30]New layout
  • [2004-12-31 13:51]Happy xmas and whatnot
  • [2004-06-14 13:11]site makeover
  • [2004-05-02 10:48]downtime and recoding
  • [2004-01-29 18:23]server downtime
  • [2003-08-09 12:41]scriptIRC
  • [2003-02-10 16:20]gallery
  • [2002-10-31 10:39]redid the links section
  • [2002-09-19 20:55]fixed the commenting system
  • [2002-09-01 10:14]move completed!
  • [2002-07-24 21:29]isp problems
  • [2002-06-08 17:35]tweaking the music index
  • [2002-06-08 17:35]tweaking the music index
  • [2002-03-07 22:52]screenshot updated
  • [2002-02-22 22:02]modules.coreshell.info
  • [2002-01-22 17:26]commenting system
  • [2002-01-22 17:26]commenting system
  • [2002-01-06 21:41]Journal
  • [2001-12-24 17:39]Merry Christmas!
  • [2001-10-24 17:13]RSS backend
  • [2001-08-24 17:34]global news page
  • [2001-07-11 23:29]girlfriend online
  • [2001-05-29 22:35]website
  • [2001-05-21 21:37]SUIT
  • [2000-12-18 15:48]screenshot
  • [2000-10-10 07:11]things to come
  • [2000-09-28 06:36]life and the rest of the stuff
  • [2000-09-07 01:33]k-meleon
  • [2000-09-04 21:44]whats happening?!
  • [2000-08-07 19:09]core website
  • [2000-07-27 02:32]faster than light
  • [2000-07-21 23:41]core breakdown
  • [2000-07-21 04:55]zehn (which doesn't mean soon in german)
  • [2000-07-09 03:31]screenshot!
  • [2000-07-09 00:00]the core of things to com(e) =)
  • [2000-06-28 00:55]more core info
  • [2000-06-27 19:22]sourcecode archive online
  • [2000-06-27 19:22]sourcecode archive online
  • [2000-06-25 02:40]core
  • [2000-06-21 07:21]happy birthday to me <vbg>
  • [2000-06-01 18:02]arvika festival
  • [2000-05-27 20:19]software icons
  • [2000-05-23 07:43]forums
  • [2000-05-19 02:27]new releases
  • [2000-05-12 15:50]coreBar
  • [2000-05-04 19:39]plea
  • [2000-05-04 18:42]software page is done!
  • [2000-05-04 07:06]work, work, nothing but work